Workshop Session with Future Energy Leaders
On the 17th of May, 2019, TSS organised an interactive workshop as a part of the 4th International YES-Europe Annual Energy Conference which took place at TU Delft, Netherlands this year.
The YES-Europe network is a unique organization that brings together a community of nearly 1,000 young professionals and students in energy across Europe. This community envisions a world that works together to achieve sustainable, accessible, and secure energy.
One of the most exciting aspects of bringing together energy students and young professionals is the opportunity to meet in-person and get to know each other’s perspectives, stories, dreams and goals.
Events are a great way for making connections, hence TSS wished to grab this opportunity to interact with the energy enthusiasts across Europe by organizing a one-of-its kind workshop.

The Energy Workshop
The theme for this year’s annual conference was about Energy Transition to meet the goals of Paris agreement. Hence, TSS, being an OFF-Grid PV system designer, contributing towards the energy transition from Diesel Generator Systems to Renewable energy solutions, seemed to be a natural choice to take part in this Annual Conference.
As a part of the workshop, the 25 participating students were divided into groups of 5 and challenged to design their own renewable system based on the specified data. Different tools for generation of energy and storage of energy could be selected and combined It was a thought-provoking workshop, which made the participants to think beyond the textbooks and venture into actual energy market.
The icing on the cake was the mind –boggling discussion which followed between the students and the representatives from TSS who organized the workshop.